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CLASP Resources

Below you will find a helpful list of resources including websites, contact emails and links to documents. These have been grouped into General Resources, Local Organisations and National Organisations. 

CLASP Resources


CLASP leaflets

CLASP leaflet here.

Travel Wise booklet here.

Train Station leaflet here.

Travelling on the train from Wokingham here.

A guide to using Wokingham library here.​

CLASP's Complaints Policy

Our Complaints Policy is available to read here
and the easy read version is 

CLASP's Social Media Policy

Our Social Media Policy is available to read here
and the easy read version is here.

CLASP's End of Year Reports 2023-2024

Our Monitoring report is available to read here

Our Trustee report and Financial Statement is available to read here

General Resources

Easy Read Health Screening Guides

Please take a look at these guides created by the NHS and Public Health England.

AAA screening

Breast screening

Bowel cancer screening

Cervical screening

Diabetic eye screening

Prostate information

‘Contain public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.’

Public Health England

Easy read guide to COVID-19 vaccinations

Better Health Campaign:

Every Mind Matter Campaign:

Public Health email:

Sports and Leisure

Wokingham Leisure Centre:

Berkshire NHS

Accessibility - Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust


Royal Berkshire Patient Relations:


Telephone: 0118 322 8338


Royal Berkshire Disability Liaison Nurses:


Disability Liaison Nurse - Jane Wooldridge

Telephone: 0118 322 8159

Mobile: 07879 425803


Disability Liaison Nurse - Catherine Bradley

Telephone: 0118 322 8159

Mobile: 07500 559177



The ReSPECT process creates personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical

care and treatment in a future emergency in which they are

unable to make or express choices.

Optalis Supported Employment Services

Telephone: 0118 977 8600



Woky Wheels 4 All

My Journey is a borough-wide active and sustainable travel behaviour change

campaign that aims to help and inspire Wokingham residents, employees and visitors
of all ages to walk, scoot, cycle or use public transport.

Autism & Learning Disability Strategy

Sophie Kendall email:

Support Horizons

We work with adults across Berkshire requiring support within their own home or out in

the community which is flexible and creative, reliable and  safe.


The Samaritans are a 24/7 confidential listening service.

Telephone: 116 123



Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies is our friendly and approachable NHS service that treats common

issues like depression, stress, anxiety or phobias.

Telephone: 0300 365 2000



Local Organisations


Wokingham Borough Council
Works to make sure that Wokingham Borough is a good and safe place for everyone to live.

WBC Community Engagement Email:

Wokingham Town Council:

Wokingham Learning Disability Partnership Board (WLDPB)
Aims to make sure that people with learning disabilities have the same rights, choices and opportunities as everyone else.


Wokingham Methodist Church
Provides Christian services and support, and offers room hire to the local community.



Sing Healthy Choirs – Wokingham Community Choir
Local Community Choir that support CLASP and our Community Choir to function.


Kimel Foundation

Provides young people with autism the opportunities they need to gain employment.

They support parents and carers of young people, work with employers & organisations

to help increase confidence with autism and neurodiversity at work and
act as a bridge to employment for autistic people.



Neurodiversity In The Modern Workplace.
Why today’s organisations should look for mental as well as physical diversity.


Providing care and support services to people with a disability and older people.


Thames Valley Police
Our local police force responsible for making Wokingham Borough safer.


ASD Family Help

Voluntary group helping people with autism and their supporters.

Autism Berkshire

An established charity providing comprehensive services for all ages of people with autism, their families, carers and professionals working in the field.

Bracknell & Wokingham College

Provides a wide range of courses and other learning opportunities.

Berkshire College of Agriculture

'The centre for technical education and training', it offers many different programmes.

Reading College

Offers a 'diverse selection of vocational, further and higher education courses'.

Healthwatch Wokingham Borough

Gives people a voice locally and nationally. Healthwatch will work to help people get the

best out of their local health and social care services.



Brings together and support community groups and voluntary organisations, active in the Wokingham borough.


The Advocacy People

Offers independent advocacy support to people who might find it to be heard or speak up

for themselves.

Karten Network

Offers computer based education for people with learning disabilities and sensory needs.

Promise Inclusion (formerly Wokingham, Bracknell & Districts Mencap)

Local charity that works to improve the lives of people with
earning disabilities, their families and carers.

The Ark

Organisation for people with learning disabilities based in Bracknell.

Wokingham CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group)

Group of 13 GP practices in Wokingham Borough. They are responsible for commissioning

(buying in) and managing most of your hospital and community health services.

Wokingham Directory

Guide to services and organisations in the Wokingham Borough.


Wokingham Job Support Centre

Independent local charity that provides a free and confidential service to job seekers.


Wokingham Volunteer Centre

Recruits and places volunteers with a wide range of voluntary and community

organisations in the area.

National Organisations

British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

Wanting people with learning disabilities to be valued equally, participate fully in their

communities and be treated with dignity and respect.


Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

National charity helping to make things better for people with learning disabilities and

their families and carers.


National Autistic Society

Provides information, support and services for people with autism and their families.

They campaign for a better world for people with autism.


National Mencap

Works in partnership with people with a learning disability and all their services to

support people to live life as they choose.


Stop Hate UK

Provides independent support to people who have been affected by Hate Crime.

They also provide Hate Crime reporting services is some areas of the UK.

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